Executive Insights: Nurse Retention and Recognition


Over 7,000 registered nurses provided insight into the experiences, behaviors, and needs of nursing professionals in our annual Voices of Care survey. Patti Artley, Chief Nursing Officer, and Scott Armstrong, Vice President of Client Growth, discussed these findings in a recent episode of Staffing Unplugged , citing key takeaways such as the needs of tenured nurses, the challenge of meaningful recognition, compensation and job satisfaction, and steps to take moving forward.

Addressing the Needs of Experienced Nurses

One significant finding from the survey is that many respondents are highly experienced, with over 40% having more than ten years in the field. This highlights the importance of catering to the needs of tenured nurses. Patti emphasized the necessity of understanding what these seasoned professionals seek in their work environment to develop effective retention strategies.

“We need to understand better what they are looking for and what they want in a work partner,” – Patti Artley

Scott pointed out that experienced nurses prioritize flexibility, career development, and a work environment free from politics. These factors are crucial for keeping tenured nurses satisfied and engaged.

The Challenge of Meaningful Recognition

Despite various retention efforts, the survey revealed that 42% of nurses feel unrecognized for their hard work. This marks an 8% decrease in perceived recognition from the previous year. Patti found this surprising, given the nationwide focus on retention strategies.

“The things that we did in the past to support our teams aren’t going to be the same things that we have to be doing to be successful in the future.”

Scott highlighted that the lack of recognition is tied to broader issues of job satisfaction and mental health.

Compensation and Job Satisfaction

The survey also indicated that only 42% of respondents consider themselves fairly compensated. While compensation is a perennial concern, Scott emphasized that it is deeply connected to job satisfaction and mental health.

“The common themes of not feeling recognized and valued combined with mental health struggles and not feeling safe at work come through as more concerning in my opinion.” – Scott Armstrong

Patti pointed out that dissatisfaction with pay is not unique to nursing but is prevalent across various professions. However, she acknowledged that nursing salaries have increased significantly in recent years, making it essential to address other factors affecting job satisfaction.

Moving Forward: Collaboration and Innovation

The Voices of Care survey provides crucial insights that can inform healthcare organizations’ strategies for improving nurse satisfaction and retention. Patti stressed the importance of focusing on what truly matters to healthcare professionals, stating that it’s important to recognize those pressure points and support them moving forward.

Scott concluded with a call for collaboration, emphasizing that creating a better future for healthcare workers requires a collective effort.

“It’s going to take us all working together to create a better future for healthcare workers across the country.”

For more detailed insights, download the full Voices of Care survey results, or contact Medical Solutions today! By understanding and addressing the needs of nursing professionals, healthcare organizations can create a supportive and thriving work environment.

Jennifer Melham is a healthcare staffing content specialist based in Southern California, known for engaging and informative articles tailored to healthcare leaders and clinicians. With a passion for celebrating the invaluable work of nurses and other healthcare providers, her writing offers insightful perspectives on workforce trends and practices.